Beep & Tweet features robots, lasers, explosions and heart
Beep & Tweet is an ambitious animated short produced by Iron Feather Studios, a team of third-year students at Sheridan College in Ontario, Canada. Their film follows a robot who takes a small bird under its wing, but must come to terms with the meaning of love and letting go. Beep & Tweet features complex cutout character rigs as well as impressive colour and compositing effects made using Toon Boom Harmony.
We spoke with Liza Desya, who brought our questions to the rest of the production team, which includes Mikka Natividad, Phoebe Mao, Jacquelyn Evans, Thomas Boyce, Tingting Li, Michelle Lee, Zhenlin Liu, Natassya Rosewinata, Lucy Hu and Hannah Broncwick. Beep & Tweet is now available to watch online, and be sure to scroll down to read our interview and see samples from the team’s pre-production art.